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kebbie exposes a class Corrector and a function evaluate().

The user creates a custom class which inherits from Corrector, over-write methods such as auto_correct(), auto_complete(), predict_next_word(), and resolve_swipe().
Then the user calls evaluate() with the custom Corrector, which will run the benchmark and return the results as a Dictionary (it contains various metrics for each task).

Let's see how to do that in details with a basic example : we will use pyspellchecker, a pure-Python spell-checking library, and test it using kebbie to see how well it performs.

Creating your own Corrector

First, we define a subclass of Corrector, and we implement the constructor.

In our case, the constructor will simply initialize the pyspellchecker library :

from spellchecker import SpellChecker
from kebbie import Corrector

class ExampleCorrector(Corrector):
    def __init__(self):
        self.spellchecker = SpellChecker()

For this example we are only interested in auto-correction (spell-checking). So we need to over-write the auto_correct() method.

The implementation is straightforward thanks to pyspellchecker :

from typing import List

from spellchecker import SpellChecker
from kebbie import Corrector

class ExampleCorrector(Corrector):
    def __init__(self):
        self.spellchecker = SpellChecker()

    def auto_correct(self, context: str, keystrokes, word: str) -> List[str]:
        cands = self.spellchecker.candidates(word)
        return list(cands) if cands is not None else []

Great ! We have a testable Corrector class.


We didn't overwrite the methods for the other tasks, and that's fine !
Other tasks' score will be set to 0, but we are just interested in auto-correction score anyway.

Calling the evaluate() function

Once we have the Corrector implemented, we can simply instantiate it and call the evaluate() function :

import json
from typing import List

from spellchecker import SpellChecker
from kebbie import Corrector, evaluate

class ExampleCorrector(Corrector):
    def __init__(self):
        self.spellchecker = SpellChecker()

    def auto_correct(self, context: str, keystrokes, word: str) -> List[str]:
        cands = self.spellchecker.candidates(word)
        return list(cands) if cands is not None else []

if __name__ == "__main__":
    corrector = ExampleCorrector()
    results = evaluate(corrector)

    # Save the results in a local file for later inspection
    with open("results.json", "w") as f:
        json.dump(results, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)

And that's it !

Now you can just run your script. It might take some time to go over the 2 000 sentences of the test set, but eventually it will end and you should see a file results.json in your working directory.

Inspecting the results

Go ahead and open the file results.json.

It contains the results of the test, with various metrics.

Results for pyspellchecker==0.8.1 at the time of writing
    "next_word_prediction": {
        "score": {
            "accuracy": 0,
            "top3_accuracy": 0,
            "n": 46978
        "per_domain": {
            "narrative": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 32044
            "dialogue": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 14934
        "performances": {
            "mean_memory": "865.0 KB",
            "min_memory": "8.24 KB",
            "max_memory": "1.1 MB",
            "mean_runtime": "5.91 μs",
            "fastest_runtime": "0 ns",
            "slowest_runtime": "2.13 ms"
    "auto_completion": {
        "score": {
            "accuracy": 0,
            "top3_accuracy": 0,
            "n": 46910
        "per_domain": {
            "narrative": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 32002
            "dialogue": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 14908
        "per_completion_rate": {
            "<25%": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 1335
            "25%~50%": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 8891
            "50%~75%": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 25757
            ">75%": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 10927
        "per_other": {
            "without_typo": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 43450
            "with_typo": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 3460
        "performances": {
            "mean_memory": "865.0 KB",
            "min_memory": "424 B",
            "max_memory": "1.1 MB",
            "mean_runtime": "9.57 μs",
            "fastest_runtime": "0 ns",
            "slowest_runtime": "89.8 ms"
    "auto_correction": {
        "score": {
            "accuracy": 0.87,
            "precision": 0.47,
            "recall": 0.35,
            "fscore": 0.41,
            "top3_accuracy": 0.88,
            "top3_precision": 0.56,
            "top3_recall": 0.5,
            "top3_fscore": 0.53,
            "n_typo": 6302,
            "n": 48864
        "per_domain": {
            "narrative": {
                "accuracy": 0.87,
                "precision": 0.48,
                "recall": 0.36,
                "fscore": 0.42,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.89,
                "top3_precision": 0.57,
                "top3_recall": 0.51,
                "top3_fscore": 0.54,
                "n_typo": 4247,
                "n": 32948
            "dialogue": {
                "accuracy": 0.86,
                "precision": 0.44,
                "recall": 0.34,
                "fscore": 0.39,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.88,
                "top3_precision": 0.53,
                "top3_recall": 0.48,
                "top3_fscore": 0.51,
                "n_typo": 2055,
                "n": 15916
        "per_typo_type": {
                "accuracy": 0.83,
                "precision": 0.15,
                "recall": 0.07,
                "fscore": 0.099,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.84,
                "top3_precision": 0.26,
                "top3_recall": 0.14,
                "top3_fscore": 0.19,
                "n_typo": 129,
                "n": 1000
            "DELETE_SPACE": {
                "accuracy": 0.83,
                "precision": 0.11,
                "recall": 0.051,
                "fscore": 0.074,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.83,
                "top3_precision": 0.11,
                "top3_recall": 0.051,
                "top3_fscore": 0.074,
                "n_typo": 137,
                "n": 1062
            "DELETE_PUNCTUATION": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "recall": 0,
                "fscore": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "top3_precision": 0,
                "top3_recall": 0,
                "top3_fscore": 0,
                "n_typo": 0,
                "n": 0
            "DELETE_CHAR": {
                "accuracy": 0.86,
                "precision": 0.42,
                "recall": 0.29,
                "fscore": 0.35,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.88,
                "top3_precision": 0.55,
                "top3_recall": 0.48,
                "top3_fscore": 0.52,
                "n_typo": 559,
                "n": 4334
            "ADD_SPELLING_SYMBOL": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "recall": 0,
                "fscore": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "top3_precision": 0,
                "top3_recall": 0,
                "top3_fscore": 0,
                "n_typo": 0,
                "n": 0
            "ADD_SPACE": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "recall": 0,
                "fscore": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "top3_precision": 0,
                "top3_recall": 0,
                "top3_fscore": 0,
                "n_typo": 0,
                "n": 0
            "ADD_PUNCTUATION": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "recall": 0,
                "fscore": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "top3_precision": 0,
                "top3_recall": 0,
                "top3_fscore": 0,
                "n_typo": 0,
                "n": 0
            "ADD_CHAR": {
                "accuracy": 0.9,
                "precision": 0.6,
                "recall": 0.59,
                "fscore": 0.59,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.92,
                "top3_precision": 0.66,
                "top3_recall": 0.76,
                "top3_fscore": 0.7,
                "n_typo": 855,
                "n": 6629
            "SUBSTITUTE_CHAR": {
                "accuracy": 0.86,
                "precision": 0.47,
                "recall": 0.35,
                "fscore": 0.4,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.88,
                "top3_precision": 0.55,
                "top3_recall": 0.49,
                "top3_fscore": 0.53,
                "n_typo": 863,
                "n": 6691
            "SIMPLIFY_ACCENT": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "recall": 0,
                "fscore": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "top3_precision": 0,
                "top3_recall": 0,
                "top3_fscore": 0,
                "n_typo": 0,
                "n": 0
            "SIMPLIFY_CASE": {
                "accuracy": 0.82,
                "precision": 0,
                "recall": 0,
                "fscore": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.82,
                "top3_precision": 0,
                "top3_recall": 0,
                "top3_fscore": 0,
                "n_typo": 403,
                "n": 3125
            "TRANSPOSE_CHAR": {
                "accuracy": 0.89,
                "precision": 0.58,
                "recall": 0.54,
                "fscore": 0.56,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.91,
                "top3_precision": 0.64,
                "top3_recall": 0.7,
                "top3_fscore": 0.66,
                "n_typo": 1313,
                "n": 10181
            "COMMON_TYPO": {
                "accuracy": 0.85,
                "precision": 0.39,
                "recall": 0.26,
                "fscore": 0.32,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.88,
                "top3_precision": 0.53,
                "top3_recall": 0.45,
                "top3_fscore": 0.49,
                "n_typo": 1725,
                "n": 13375
        "per_number_of_typos": {
            "1": {
                "accuracy": 0.87,
                "precision": 0.47,
                "recall": 0.36,
                "fscore": 0.41,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.89,
                "top3_precision": 0.56,
                "top3_recall": 0.51,
                "top3_fscore": 0.54,
                "n_typo": 5984,
                "n": 46397
            "2": {
                "accuracy": 0.86,
                "precision": 0.43,
                "recall": 0.29,
                "fscore": 0.35,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.87,
                "top3_precision": 0.47,
                "top3_recall": 0.36,
                "top3_fscore": 0.41,
                "n_typo": 292,
                "n": 2264
            "3+": {
                "accuracy": 0.83,
                "precision": 0.17,
                "recall": 0.077,
                "fscore": 0.11,
                "top3_accuracy": 0.84,
                "top3_precision": 0.23,
                "top3_recall": 0.12,
                "top3_fscore": 0.16,
                "n_typo": 26,
                "n": 202
        "performances": {
            "mean_memory": "866.0 KB",
            "min_memory": "7.05 KB",
            "max_memory": "1.1 MB",
            "mean_runtime": "358.0 ms",
            "fastest_runtime": "69.1 μs",
            "slowest_runtime": "77.1 s"
    "swipe_resolution": {
        "score": {
            "accuracy": 0,
            "top3_accuracy": 0,
            "n": 417
        "per_domain": {
            "narrative": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 313
            "dialogue": {
                "accuracy": 0,
                "top3_accuracy": 0,
                "n": 104
        "performances": {
            "mean_memory": "860.0 KB",
            "min_memory": "96.0 KB",
            "max_memory": "1.1 MB",
            "mean_runtime": "24.5 μs",
            "fastest_runtime": "0 ns",
            "slowest_runtime": "4.68 ms"
    "overall_score": 0.164

Let's go over the content quickly.

First, the metrics are divided into each tasks :

  • next_word_prediction
  • auto_completion
  • auto_correction
  • swipe_resolution


At the end of the file, there is also a field overall_score. This is just an aggregation of the scores of all tasks, to have an easy way to compare runs.

As expected, if you look at other tasks than auto_correction, their score is zero. That's expected, because we are interested only on auto-correction, and we didn't implement the code for the other tasks.

Let's take a deeper look at the auto_correction results.

First, we have a score field, which contains various overall metrics about the auto-correction capability : precision, recall, F-score, etc...

There is also a value n, which shows the total number of words we tried to auto-correct, and n_typo, the number of words which contained a typo.

For auto-correction, the metric we care about is the F-score, as it measure both the precision and the recall.


For more information about the metrics and their meaning, check out the Metrics page.

Then we have a per_domain field, which also contains the same metrics, but divided into the various domains of our dataset. We can see that pyspellchecker is better at correcting narrative data than dialogue data, since the F-score is higher.

We then have a per_typo_type field, which shows the metrics for each type of typo introduced.
Note that the evaluate() does not introduce all type of typos by default, so some of them are set to 0.

After we have a per_number_of_typos field, which gives the metrics depending on how many typos were introduced in that word.

And finally we have a field performances, which show the memory consumption and runtime for the auto_correct() method that we wrote.

A note about multiprocessing

Under the hood, evaluate() uses multiprocessing to run faster.

It means that your Corrector should be pickable !


In the example above, the implementation provided is already pickable, so there is nothing to do.

If you need to make your class pickable, just implement the __reduce__() magic method, like this :

from typing import Tuple

from kebbie import Corrector

class GreatCorrector(Corrector):
    def __init__(self, model_path: str):
        self.m_path = model_path

        # Because of this (imaginary) non-pickable attribute,
        # the class `GreatCorrector` is not pickable as-is
        self.non_pickable_model = load_model(model_path)

    def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple:
        # But by implementing `__reduce__()`, we can make it pickable !
        return (GreatCorrector, (self.m_path,))

Advanced usage

Leveraging the keystroke coordinates

Did you notice that in our auto_correct() implementation, there is an argument keystrokes that we didn't use ?

class ExampleCorrector(Corrector):
    def __init__(self):
        self.spellchecker = SpellChecker()

    def auto_correct(self, context: str, keystrokes, word: str) -> List[str]:
        cands = self.spellchecker.candidates(word)
        return list(cands) if cands is not None else []

This keystrokes argument is a list of keystrokes coordinates (one per character of the typed word).

These coordinates may hold useful information : for example on a QWERTY keyboard, if the word typed is lovw but the keystroke for w is very close to the border of the e key... There is a great chance that the word should be auto-corrected to love...

These coordinates are defined in a layout file internally. To interact easily with the layout, you can use the LayoutHelper class.

You can use the method get_key_info() to retrieve data about the key for the given character.

For example, let's compute the distance between the first keystroke of the word, and the key for the character w :

import math
from kebbie.layout import LayoutHelper

layout = LayoutHelper()

def auto_correct(self, context: str, keystrokes, word: str) -> List[str]:
    _, _, w_key_center_x, w_key_center_y, _ = layout.get_key_info("w")
    if len(keystrokes) > 0 and keystrokes[0] is not None:
        print(math.dist(keystrokes[0], [w_key_center_x, w_key_center_y]))

Custom dataset

The evaluate() function uses a good default dataset (see Test data) to run the evaluation.

However, you might want to run the evaluation on your own dataset.

You can do this by passing your custom dataset to the evaluate() function :

my_dataset = load_my_private_dataset()
corrector = ExampleCorrector()
results = evaluate(corrector, dataset=my_dataset)

Your custom dataset should be a Dict[str, List[str]], where each keys of the dictionary represents a specific domain, and the values are just the list of sentences.

Get insights on most common mistakes

When trying to improve your models, you might want to take a look at the most common mistakes your model is doing.

You can achieve this simply by passing track_mistakes=True to the evaluate() function :

corrector = ExampleCorrector()
results = evaluate(corrector, track_mistakes=True)

It will record the most common mistakes your Corrector is doing, and add them in a new field (most_common_mistakes) in the returned results.

The mistakes are tracked for the following tasks : next-word prediction, auto-completion, and auto-correction.

Let's look at the most common mistakes for our example with pyspellchecker :

"auto_correction": [
        "[ism, h'm]",
        "Kolten beckoned Aida over wanting to hear what he had to say Aida I want to know what's on your mind Kolten said I'm"
        "Destanie was so angry that he felt like he might explode He felt the hot blood rushing to his head and his fists clenched tightly at his sides He took a deep breath and tried tho"

Here we can see that we track several thing for each mistake :

  • Count : The total number of times this mistake happened
  • Expected : The expected word
  • Predictions : The model's predictions
  • Context : An example of a sentence where the mistake happened

So we can see that the most common mistake of pyspellchecker is to try to auto correct I'm into ism, even though it should not be corrected. This mistake was encountered 266 times during the evaluation.

The second most common mistake is to not auto-correct tho, even though it should be corrected to to. This mistake was encountered 157 times during the evaluation.


By default, the 1 000 most common mistakes will be saved. You can specify a different n, with the n_most_common_mistakes argument :

corrector = ExampleCorrector()
results = evaluate(corrector, track_mistakes=True, n_most_common_mistakes=150)

Other arguments

Specify the number of processes to be used for multiprocessing with the n_proc argument :

corrector = ExampleCorrector()
results = evaluate(corrector, n_proc=4)


If None is given, evaluate() will use os.cpu_count() (the number of CPU of your machine). Defaults to None.

Specify a different seed with the seed argument :

corrector = ExampleCorrector()
results = evaluate(corrector, seed=36)

Specify a different Beta for the F-score calculation (see the Metrics section) with the beta argument :

corrector = ExampleCorrector()
results = evaluate(corrector, beta=1.2)