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Welcome to the documentation of the kebbie package.

kebbie is a small framework for testing and benchmarking mobile keyboards.
The primary goal of this package is to establish a cohesive and standardized method for evaluating the various NLP capabilities of a mobile keyboard and comparing them to existing alternatives.

This is achieved through two features offered by kebbie :

  • An easy-to-use evaluation function that facilitates the testing of multiple NLP functionalities offered by a mobile keyboard : auto-correction, auto-completion, next-word prediction, and swipe gesture recognition.
  • A command-line interface for running the evaluation on established keyboards, operated within emulator.


Latest version

You can install the latest version of the package directly from PyPi with :

pip install kebbie


If you want to install directly from Github, run :

pip install git+

Specific version

You can install a specific version of the package (0.1.0 in ths example) from PyPi with :

pip install kebbie==0.1.0


If you want to install directly from Github, run :

pip install git+


You can also clone the repository locally and install it manually :

git clone
cd kebbie
pip install -e .

Extra dependencies

You can also install extras dependencies, for example :

pip install -e .[docs]

Will install necessary dependencies for building the docs.


If you installed the package directly from github, run :

pip install "kebbie[docs] @ git+"

List of extra dependencies :

  • test : Dependencies for running unit-tests.
  • hook : Dependencies for running pre-commit hooks.
  • lint : Dependencies for running linters and formatters.
  • docs : Dependencies for building the documentation.
  • dev : test + hook + lint + docs.
  • all : All extra dependencies.


To contribute, install the package locally (see Installation), create your own branch, add your code (and tests, and documentation), and open a PR !

Pre-commit hooks

Pre-commit hooks are set to check the code added whenever you commit something.

When you try to commit your code, hooks are automatically run, and if you code does not meet the quality required by linters, it will not be committed. You then have to fix your code and try to commit again !


If you never ran the hooks before, install it with :

pip install -e .[hook]
pre-commit install


You can manually run the pre-commit hooks with :

pre-commit run --all-files


When you contribute, you need to make sure all the unit-tests pass. You should also add tests if necessary !


Install the dependencies for testing with :

pip install -e .[test]

You can run the tests with :



Tests are not included in the pre-commit hooks, because running the tests might be slow, and for the sake of developers we want the pre-commit hooks to be fast !


Pre-commit hooks will not run the tests, but it will automatically update the coverage badge !


When you contribute, make sure to keep the documentation up-to-date.

You can visualize the documentation locally by running :

mkdocs serve


Before running this command, you need to install the documentation dependencies :

pip install -e .[docs]